October 14, 2018

Sunday Dialogues: Gracious and Just

Lately, growing in Christ has felt a lot more painful than I'd like it to be.

October 7, 2018

Home-brewed Kombucha

I have a thing for fermentation projects.

September 30, 2018

The Knoll

I warm my hands around my St. Petersburg mug, steaming with tea, and pull to tighten the blanket cocooning me. The early chill of an autumn morning graces us, and I couldn’t be happier to be bundled up in my favorite Princeton sweater. The grey-blue skies tinge the distant forests and mountain ranges blue. Today, Cayuga is still. Acorns crack and ricochet off the roof to the patio...or to my head. Amidst the chirping of a bird and barely-audible hum of cicadas, leaves rustle from the intense chase between squirrels and chipmunks. Just before, a nutbrown deer meandered through our backyard and into the dense woods. Right now, a chubby groundhog furrows his head in our lawn. He stops, notices me spying from the edge of the deck, and dashes away. I’ve been calling him Dale...

Life in the woods. Life at the Knoll. Life in the mountains.  // 9.8.18

September 16, 2018

Ithaca Through the Seasons: Summer 2018

Our first month of the fall semester proves that life isn't all dreary and grey here, though a lack of air conditioning during a heat wave requires us to pick up a whole new set of survival instincts. Here's to the summer green, too many mosquito bites to count, and maybe a few days foreshadowing the sweater weather to come!

September 9, 2018

David Leite's Chocolate Chip Cookies

- Hey there! I've posted a new chocolate chip cookie recipe inspired by some of the things I liked from David's. You can find it in The Cookie Chronicles. -

From Levain's mountains of gooey goodness to your mom's homemade cookies afterschool, there are a million and one ways to bake chocolate chip cookies. Each recipe caters to a unique preference! How do you like your chocolate chip cookies? 

My requirements for the perfect chocolate chip cookie are:
1. Slightly crisp at the edges 
2. Gooey at the center when they're right out of the oven/chewy after they've cooled
3. Not cakey or puffy but not completely flattened and crunchy
4. Crackled and textured on the top. 
5. Slightly rimmed around the edges (you know what I mean)

September 2, 2018

SUMMER IN MY KITCHEN 2018 | a photo journal

Things I've cooked and baked that won't quite make it to having their own recipe post:

August 26, 2018

Mark Bittman's Bouillabaisse

A no-frills recipe to cap off the summer.

August 19, 2018

Sunday Dialogues: Ashes to Beauty

There is beauty in the harvest and in the anticipation of rebirth. -autumn

For God to help me feel Him filling up my heart, He has to break the bars I've built to protect it. Each bar that breaks exposes my heart, making it vulnerable to cracking. I am much more aware of the new crack left by a broken bar than the ones that form gradually over time. I wait and watch as He fills it, just like He's done with all the other cracks I've forgotten about. I take notice and feel His sufficient power. While He continues to expose my heart, He also makes it vulnerable enough to soften. 

August 12, 2018

New York Minute

Sunday morning, en route to Sarabeth's Central Park South.

One day. 
An apartment on the upper east side, near the hospitals - one of which I'll be working at, with pediatric and immigrant populations. The credentials of a registered dietitian and Spanish medical interpreter. Lazy Saturday mornings spent in Central Park, after stopping by a greenmarket. A corgi and an Australian/German shepherd mix I've adopted (it'll all be just for a few years, because the dogs need more space). The peak of day spent lounging at a restaurant with outdoor seating, the perfect spot to fabricate intricate narratives of the people you watch. Running around the city, taking photos of strangers, because there are too many personalities to pass by. Sunset runs over a bridge. Somehow, I'll still end up in bed by midnight...
One day!

August 5, 2018

S'mores Mousse Cups

This isn't so bad for you, I promise! It's important to go all out and enjoy treats as they are, but I've found myself gravitating towards this healthy-ish version, too. It's just that good. 

July 29, 2018

Scripture Search: To The Bone (A Biblical Approach to Body Positivity)

She looks back at you in silence. The outline of her ribcage protrudes, the skin hugging her shoulders and collarbones is taut. Her dark brown eyes and pursed lips, usually small, now look bigger on her thinned face. Your eyes trace the frame of her faint cheekbones, sliding down her jaw and turning sharply as it narrows into a point. Scanning back up her face slowly, you notice the shadows under her eyes.

You blink. Her legs. Twig-like, chicken legs. A pale brown bruise is patched on her inner right knee from the way her bony left knee weighs down on it as she sleeps, fetal position. You don’t recognize her, the girl staring at you. Yet despite this state of weakness, despite finally seeing yourself as the person reflected in the mirror, you feel strong. Empowered.


July 22, 2018

Middle Eastern Spiced Carrots with Yogurt and Pistachios

If you aren't aware, I study nutrition and dietetics. I'm at a children's hospital for the summer, and recently, I had the opportunity to observe a few feeding evaluations - what are they? 

If you've watched a cop show or are familiar with marketing, you might know of one-way mirrored observation rooms (you know, during interrogation or focus group scenes). The same room is used in a feeding evaluation, where the patient being observed is in the room, exposed to foods they like and foods they may have issues with. With a pediatric population, parents tend to be in the room with them, while the clinicians stand behind the glass window and watch how the patient reacts to the foods. Do they eat it? What faces are they making? Is the food visually overwhelming? Is there a common characteristic across the foods avoided? Does the patient have an aversion to texture?

July 15, 2018

not according to my time, God, but Yours. 
for your plans are greater. Your timing. more intentional. 
the stories you craft are far more beautiful. 
than anything I could ever dream of.

July 8, 2018

the sun also rises

“In friendship...we think we have chosen our peers. In reality a few years' difference in the dates of our births, a few more miles between certain houses, the choice of one university instead of another...the accident of a topic being raised or not raised at a first meeting--any of these chances might have kept us apart. But, for a Christian, there are, strictly speaking no chances. A secret master of ceremonies has been at work. Christ, who said to the disciples, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you," can truly say to every group of Christian friends, "Ye have not chosen one another but I have chosen you for one another." The friendship is not a reward for our discriminating and good taste in finding one another out. It is the instrument by which God reveals to each of us the beauties of others.” - C.S. LewisThe Four Loves

June 24, 2018

His Kingdom Come: Stuffed and Starved (Overview)

"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10

The food system hits close to home for me. While I had been exposed to some of its injustices in the past, my spring semester's public health nutrition class gave me the opportunity to learn more deeply about the complexity and wide-reach of food.

What we eat is intimately connected to our agriculture, which has tremendous impacts on ecological balance, immigration, animal/human rights, environmental toxicity, and politics. What we produce inevitably influences our grocery stores, our physical and financial access to food, the foodservice industry, international trade, transportation, culture, health and nutrition. What's produced but not consumed transforms to issues related to food waste.

Thinking about the problems caused by our broken food system is crippling, and this paralysis extends to all of the social justice issues our world faces. Children have been cruelly ripped apart from their parents. My hometown is currently divided on a proposal to introduce armed police officers to public schools. My university faced violence, open and repeated acts of intolerance, and tragic death this past year. Last summer, I met cancer patients who struggled with their disease, other chronic illnesses, emotional pain, food insecurity, and immigration issues -all at once.

One day in class, my Spanish professor initiated a spontaneous, class-long discussion about the discrimination our campus was facing. Before we left with heavy hearts, he looked at each of us squarely and said, "Chicos, no sean complacientes." Don't be complacent.

But what can we do in addition to praying? What actions can we take right now?

June 10, 2018

Sunday Dialogues: Your Gift is a Provision

We're all gifted in one way or another. You may be an athlete, a musician, a friend who can listen like no other. Sharing these gifts may seem more straightforward: volunteer as a soccer coach, teach kids how to play an instrument, share your time with others who need a shoulder to cry on.

June 3, 2018

Whole Wheat Chocolate Chunk Pancakes (Vegan)

Is it possible to have forgotten how good pancakes taste?!

On that same note, I've also forgotten how much fun it is to take and edit photos. Racing against natural laws of chemistry when snapping photos while the butter melted off of the hot pancakes was quite the scene. I had to add countless pats of butter and pour more syrup than a 5 year old just to get the shots. In the end, the top pancake was reluctantly tossed - after all, they have to remain a healthy-ish recipe, right?