March 19, 2017

Parc de la Ciutadella

Parc de la Ciutadella on a Sunday afternoon: it was a clear, 60 degree day, and the air smelled like spring. We walked to the fountain, la Cascada, and stumbled upon a man in a newsboy cap making giant bubbles; kids gathered around him, laughing, chasing, and popping the bubbles. To the right of them stood a gazebo full of people dancing to Spanish music - the sight was too storybook-like to believe. Everyone seemed to be having a good time with their easy smiles and relaxed swaying. Someone saw me taking photos of the dancing people, and waved me over to dance with him. A little part of me wishes I hadn't been shy enough to decline. How cool would it have been to engage in and be a part of that idyllic scene - to not only spectate local culture, but really experience it firsthand?

March 8, 2017

Barcelona's Three Kings Day Parade (Tres Reyes) and The Kindness of Spaniards

The first stories I told my friends when we returned from Spain were about the kindness of the Spanish people. It's one thing to enjoy the sights, food, and culture of a place, but what makes me want to return are the people. 

March 5, 2017

Taughannock Falls

Last year, I found mental and emotional relief in nature. This year, my environmental surroundings aren't as conducible to outdoor runs (though I will admit, there are individuals who walk outside during a blizzard in shorts and t-shirts), so I haven't been able to take advantage of the natural beauty around me as much. Fortunately, on what happened to be one of the coldest weeks Ithaca has experienced, my house organized a mini trip for 6 or so people to hike Taughannock Falls. What's not captured are how cold my fingers were ;), but I hope I was able to capture some of the beauty from that day:

March 1, 2017

Sacred Prism: Inside La Sagrada Familia

La Sagrada Familia - we almost didn't go inside; we thought that it'd be just as beautiful as the other several cathedrals we had visited. We finally caved in after mom's powerful tricks of guilting us, and once again, mom was right! If you're going to visit, make sure you purchase your tickets online, at least the day before, because they go out quickly. Your tickets will have a set hour at which you can enter - they do this to space out the crowd of tourists. We didn't think it was necessary to take a tour to the top of the cathedral, and I think we made the right choice. We just wandered in awe under the shimmering rainbow of lights, and it was perfect.

February 26, 2017

Barcelona 2017 | VLOG

Like this video? Catch the Madrid vlog here!

February 22, 2017

Madrid 2017 VLOG

I came home this past long weekend; I had only been at school for 26 days, but man was I ready to come home! I had a big organic chemistry exam last week, and once I finished it, I couldn't stop thinking about the weekend!

To say that this weekend was rejuvenating would be an understatement. A lot has happened to my family over the past two years, and it was a real blessing to be able to be together, the four of us, like the old days, before everything happened. That's not to say that everything's back to normal, but we're finally moving towards the future, towards healing, and it's been a long time coming. Plus, the beautiful 60-degree weather was a graciously welcomed bonus. 

I took a bit of that extra time to play around with new editing software - this video is a little rough around the edges, but I'm excited to share what I've been able to do so far! Hope you like it ;)

February 19, 2017

No Knead, Dutch Oven Bread

Though I love making homemade bread, it can easily go stale in a few days. Freezing immediately after cooling and later toasting to reheat is one solution, but this bread doesn't go stale! It stays soft and chewy, and best of all, it's a great recipe for beginners. No kneading, just a longer proofing time! 

Word to the wise - I used a glass Corning pot (that was oven safe), but I decided to cool the lid of the pot quickly by setting it in the sink and running cold water over it...there was a pop, and suddenly, I was looking at large, brown glass shards. Fortunately, I was unscathed, but I'd definitely recommend using a heavier duty Dutch oven and allowing all parts to cool slowly at room temperature. 

Why did I choose to use the glass pot? Short answer, I don't have a Dutch oven (I don't have that glass Corning pot anymore, either). If you don't have Dutch oven like me (which acts to trap steam, which contributes to the rising of the dough and formation of the crust), you can try the baking method that Chef Jon uses in his French baguette recipe. I've made his French baguettes a few times, and the method works really well. I'll be trying it out with this recipe next time ;)

January 25, 2017

Ginger Sesame Sweet Potatoes + Healthy Lunch Ideas for the New Year

January tends to be a popular time to reset, so why not use January to re-instill some year-long, healthy eating habits? Packing your lunch, even for one or two days each week, is a great way to take control of what you eat. Here's some ideas/tips that I've picked up over time:

January 22, 2017

El Río Tajo

Can you believe that view? Is it Ireland? England?

We took a day trip out to Toledo, which is about 1 hour south of Madrid by bus (30 minutes if you take the high speed train). It was frigid out, and we were shivering as we walked around the city with our tour guide. The tour ended by El Greco's museum (El Museo del Greco), not too far from this view. Behind me was a park - the ground was completely covered by sand, bare trees stood in a line on the left side, leading up to a playground. What's more important, though, is what's in front of me: el río Tajo (Tajo river), which divides parts of the city from each other. 

January 18, 2017

Hello, Spain

It's been a little over a week since my parents and I returned from Spain, and I still can't shake off my desire to go back. It's easy to say that about a lot of places (i.e. Disney World), but this time, it's different: I can really imagine myself living there. 

To introduce the many more travel writing (city guides, what we ate, little journal entries, travel tips) and photos to come, I'm sharing a few of the photos I took, today. I hope you're excited for the content that I'll be sharing soon, and if you want sneak peeks, visit me on Instagram!

January 15, 2017

Christmas in the City

As I have over 6k photos and videos from Spain to edit, I'm going to stall with a few photos from Christmas Day 2016 :)

January 11, 2017

Slow Cooker Korean Shortrib Sandwiches

What better way to serve homemade pretzel buns than with Korean shortrib? I seldom eat beef, but when I do, it's gotta be good - and this is ;)

January 8, 2017

Homemade Pretzel Rolls

Have you ever tried Amish soft pretzels? I'm telling you, they're even better than your regular soft pretzel. They're not as dense and tough on the outside, and even more fluffy and soft on the inside. 

One of the first recipes I shared was a homemade soft pretzel recipe, but I'm going to replace that with this one - it's that good! The original recipe is Alton Brown's (that's why it's so good!), but I've adjusted it slightly after getting feedback from my family. 

January 4, 2017

Lighter Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls (Vegan + Unsweetened)

Last week, I alluded to a special Christmas Eve morning breakfast that I had planned, and these were it! 

Cinnamon rolls/buns are generally very rich and indulgent, and there's nothing wrong with that - just don't eat them too often! I did, however, want to lighten them up to cater to a wider variety of diets. This specific recipe is vegan, lower in fat, and free of any added sugar. Anyone who wants to sweeten them up can do so to their liking with any toppings (maple syrup, icing, caramel sauce). This way, the rolls aren't too sweet or not sweet enough. They're just right.

January 1, 2017

Travel Light: Packing for a European Winter in a Duffel + Backpack

Hi, my name is Hannah, and I'm a chronic over-packer.

What can I say? I prefer to be safe than sorry, because regret is one of my least favorite feelings.
On the other hand, it's a pain to lug around heavy luggage, especially when you're traveling around quite a bit.

As you're reading this, I'll have just landed in Spain for a 9 day trip with my parents. I haven't traveled out of the country in a few years, but I have learned to be more realistic with my packing after having moved to a school on the other side of the country for a year. I'm no extreme minimalist or packing aficionado, but I've managed to bring everything I need in a medium sized duffel and backpack.

Here's what I packed, and a few tips I have for any chronic overpackers like me: