August 19, 2024

Postcards from Trujillo

What is it like to call a place so other-worldly "home" for 3 months? 

2 months after my return to the States, I still struggle to answer the question that everyone, understandably, asks, "How was it?!" Words are simply insufficient to describe the dynamic range of emotions that I experienced, let alone the feelings that continue to vibrate in my heart everyday, because no single day has gone by that I don't think about the kids, missionaries, and taxi driver and church friends I had the privilege and blessing of doing life with. The nearly 100-paged photo journal I share with you today can barely even scratch the surface. 

The journey itself began in early college, requiring years of heart surgery, mentorship, and formative challenges to instill the readiness to leap and obey when it was time. The journey's pace hastened during February 2023 as the Lord made His calling clear, sending me into the unfamiliar territory of a year-long journey balancing being so-very-present for the pediatric patients in front of me while looking ahead to plan intentionally for my time with kids in Peru. That February calling was accompanied by tears, ones that earnestly desired to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a people group I thought I loved until I truly got to love them and be loved by them. And since my return, the tears haven't dried up, tender reminders from the Lord that I ended up leaving with a heart that received more love than I could pour out, transformed and expanded exponentially by witnessing incomparable spiritual richness in the midst of material lack. My arms still feel the phantom sensation of 100 daily hello and good-bye hugs. My solo lunches pale in comparison to the joyous rhythm of eating with elementary school kids daily, the sound of laughter as sweet as the hermanas' freshly squeezed juice as we played animal and fruit guessing games. 

A few lessons I'm continuing to meditate on as I hold out the prayerful desire to see these kids soon, perhaps every 1-2 years: 
1. Do more of the things that can't be monetized
2. Anchor your prayers according to God's promises
3. God will never rip you off 
4. You will never regret saying "yes" to God
5. Take note of events, thoughts, ideas as they happen. You'll be astonished by how many will be woven together into beautiful stories. The Maker is wonderfully intentional. Things are likely to make more sense in hindsight.  

I pray these kids bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart as much as they continue to do so to me. 

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