September 5, 2021

Photo Journal: Summer 2021


As I've been catching up with friends about what the past few months have looked like, I've realized that my clumsy explanations - about moving (twice), taking my exam, and interviewing for jobs with my laptop propped up on moving boxes - all fail to capture the tenderness of bittersweet 1:1's with friends, slow evening walks down Beacon Street to savor the sunset, and being welcomed warmly into a new church and community group during my last month in Boston. 

The waters that swirl around during transitional seasons make me feel dizzy. For a straight shooter, feeling mentally fragmented between tasks and commitments invites me to A) get comfortable with discomfort, or B) let my limbs continue to flail about from ever-changing currents. I'm reminded that it's in our sinking that we find our rescue. Even as displacement and hurricanes shake us from our comfort zone and into the realities of a hurting world, there's always solid ground to anchor our feet on, and for me, key to building resilience is recognizing the people and places I can celebrate.

This highlight reel is an incomplete but intimate look at the little details of life I desperately don't want to overlook. To main friends' privacy, I've reserved most of their photos for my personal archives, but please know that this summer wouldn't have been half as meaningful without the opportunities to see them. The Big Guy Upstairs also surprised me with a handful of new friends during my remaining few weeks in Boston, a gentle reminder that there's always kind beans to meet out there, no matter how many we have to let go of. 

Click here to see a pdf version of the full photo journal. 

For optimal viewing, I recommend clicking on the 3 dots by the right hand side of your screen (near the printer icon) and selecting "Two page view." After years of endless scrolling and trialing a Wordpress-hosted gallery, I think this may be the best way to showcase this seasonal series! I'd love to know your thoughts - drop a note my way!

P.S. The photo on page 9 was taken mid-run. I passed by and was beyond amused at the irony of a Jewish deli serving sushi with an Italian pizza man sculpture holding an American flag at the front door.