1. All that's pretty and pink. (Note to self: visit during the last 2 weeks of April if you want to relive this wonderland)
3. All of my "adopted parents"
4. Having some the best running trails right in my backyard
5. Fuertes Observatory: imagine a warm spring (or cool fall) breeze and a sky full of twinkling stars.
6. 360° view of campus from the top of McGraw Tower (161 steps up)
7. The Cornell Botanic Gardens
8. Interviewing local vendors and farmers on Saturday morning's at the Ithaca Farmers Market
9. Lynah Faithful
10. Glistening Cayuga Lake and a panoramic view of campus from the 5th floor of the Johnson Art Museum
Cornell vs Harvard with Michelle: November 11, 2017. Cornell won 3:2, scoring the winning goal with 1.4 seconds to go. Relive the glory here. |
12. All the individual study nooks and couches on the 2nd floor of Mann library
13. Catching up with JK, Margaret, and Chef Tony in the mornings at the gym
14. Feeling like I belong every time I walk into Savage Hall
16. The smell of fresh bread and coffee at Ithaca Bakery
17. Free hot water from Manndible's, Roberts Hall, and Savage's 2nd floor kitchen (yes, I've scoped out all the places)
19. Tomás.
20. Writing a research paper and realizing that I've spoken to or work in the same building of nearly every other author I come across
22. Developing Itha-calves by walking up Libe Slope every morning
23. Ithaca's fall (I welcome you to wander through 2017 and 2018)
Have I mentioned how much I love autumn? |
25. Gabriel's Sunday School classes
26. The best nutrition department
27. Ithaca Falls
29. The solidarity among orgo students, knowing that we not only survived Cornell's version of orgo, but Ruttledge's version of orgo
30. Walking between the row of trees lining the front of Goldwin Smith and the spookiness of the glowing orange windows on the Arts Quad at night
32. The pumpkin face that appears on the Clock Tower at Halloween
33. Anatomy and physiology lab dissections
34. The beauty of Sage Hall
35. Running past the vet school just to see the sheep and horses36. Lindseth Climbing Center
37. Watching people ski and sled down Libe Slope from the warmth of my dorm
38. Yoga classes with Linda
39. CALS Day on the Ag Quad
41. Buttermilk Falls
42. Watkins Glen
43. Walking over Triphammer Falls every morning
44. Walking over the suspension bridge and Horseshoe Falls every evening
45. Flat Rock - blindfold me. My feet would still find their way here.
46. Cascadilla Falls
Buttermilk Falls, May 2017 |
Watkins Glen, August 2016 before moving in |
Triphammer Falls |
Triphammer Falls |
Walking over Horseshoe Falls. Yup, she's even gorges in the winter. |
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Cascadilla Falls - the trail leads from campus/collegetown straight to downtown Ithaca. |
48. My family at Bethel Grove and a sense of belonging
49. Quiet mornings studying in Bethe's library
50. Free or reduced priced movies at the Cornell Cinema
51. The sunset rays that stream through the War Memorial
52. Veg-forward menus wherever I go
53. The people who pour tirelessly into mental health resources on campus
54. My big brother and favorite teaching fellow
56. Being humbled every time my professors say "I don't know"
57. Transfer student receptions each semester at House Professor Julia's apartment (and playing with her dog, Mira!)
60. The overt, liberal jokes that the interim president can get away with at commencement (because this is Ithaca)
Taste of DNS humor. |
62. Enjoying the many mini gardens scattered throughout campus as I walk from class to class
63. Veg-forward menus wherever I go (because this is Ithaca)
65. Walking around the same campus that Bill Nye, Jane Lynch, and Jane Goodall walked
66. Knife skills lab with Chefs Josh and Stephen
67. Evening outdoor concerts at the Commons
69. Improvising music as Joe Salzano reads Psalms at 10 pm on a Monday night
70. Chili Fest and the Cornbread for Kids fundraiser
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"...having cornbread with chili is as much a 'no-brainer' as making sure children are well fed everyday with nutritious food." - Jerry Dietz |
71. My coworkers at Mac's and Terrace... They taught me to appreciate the culture I come from and helped me reckon with my privilege as a 1st generation American citizen!
72. The Tompkins County Library by the Commons
74. The smell of free popcorn as I walk into Willard Straight Hall
75. Waving to my buddy Sean every morning at the gym for the last 2 years
76. Admitting that as sick as I got of the expensive meal plan, I'm darn lucky to have Cornell Dining
77. The solidarity that knits us all during the winters
78. Walking into Dr. McCormick's office to find him with his feet up on his desk (his "thinking position")
80. The row of trees lining Ho Plaza
83. Participating in research studies for the good of science (...and cash/Amazon gift cards...)
84. "…any person…any study…" (except geography, nursing, and pharmacy)
85. Being able to say "I took a class at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration without being an SHA student"
86. Field trips to local farms as a part of my organic agriculture class
87. Apple Fest (and knowing I can skip out on the ridiculous cider donut lines because they're available at the farmers market year round!)
88. Somehow always managing to run into Mitja, Jake, JK, Evelyn, and Lonnie no matter where I am on campus
89. The cuteness of Press Bay Alley
90. Having a backyard full of birds, groundhogs, and deer
91. Saigon Kitchen (Dad will miss it even more
92. Muffins from Ithaca Coffee Company (get the chocolate chip or and the raspberry almond)
93. Having key access to my own grad student research office in Savage for a week
95. Soaking warm rays while reading in the Sesquicentennial Grove and looking out at the sun-kissed, hazy mountains afar.
96. Camping out at my favorite spot in Olin from opening to sunset
96. Camping out at my favorite spot in Olin from opening to sunset
97. Remembering how wonderful the sun feels after shivering through a long, frigid winter
99. Deep conversations about agricultural toxins, Brazil's new president, mental health at Cornell, and immigration in my Spanish classes
100. The richness of upstate New York's agriculture
Anything sold at the Ithaca Farmers Market has to be produced within a 30 mile radius. |
101. Running on a treadmill with a gorgeous view of Beebe Lake at sunrise
102. Being stunned by how global, diverse, and connected this little town in the middle-of-nowhere is when I meet a researcher from Finland at church, become buds with a dietetic student from New Zealand, or hear stories about recent trips to Zambia from my spiritual mentor!
104. Telling my friends and family that my hair literally froze when I walked outside
105. The rolling hills and mountains
107. Trevor Noah at Barton Hall for my 20th birthday
108. Seeing "Ithaca is Gorges" t shirts and bumper stickers wherever I go
109. Thanksgiving macro dinner at Lewis and Priscilla's, and being mature enough in my faith to engage thoughtfully in that environment
111. Seeing everyone and their mother, including my professors, at Wegmans' or the Farmers Market
112. Going to NYC and seeing a Broadway show for $20 (thanks Bethe House!)
113. Accessing pioneering discoveries at one of the world's greatest research institutions
116. 48 hour prayer tent before worshiping together for Easter on the Arts Quad
118. Not having enough time to go to all of the free lectures and concerts and sports games
119. Escaping to the arboretum
121. Shaking hands with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
122. Office hours with professors whose classes I'm not in (they're just that gracious, generous, and passionate about teaching)
123. Visiting Liberty Hyde Conservatory in January and pretending I'm in Miami
I love this place so much that there are two photo series, here and another time with Michelle |
124. Complaining about how poorly designed MVR is (how can there be two 3rd floors?!)
125. Sitting next to one of Guiding Eyes for the Blind's puppies in training during class
126. Ithaca Beer Co's ginger beer
127. Shivering at the Ice Sculpture Festival
128. Quiet at Sage Chapel
129. Hearing the clock tower sing from my dorm to my classroom to downtown Ithaca
130. Little exhibits all over campus
131. The flock of sun worshippers who flood to Libe Slope on the first warm, sunny day of spring
132. Connecting Latin American horror with race, gender, class, and environmental conflicts in Liliana's class(es!)
131. Aurora and Gustavo's classes. Man I miss them.
133. The smell of Tibetan food coming hot off the grill as I walk through the Cornell Farmers Market
135. KMR and knowing that I'll never have a more accomplished professor and mentor in my entire life
136. Getting a high-in-demand library book from Duke, U Chicago, or Dartmouth within 4 days thanks to the Interlibrary Loan system
137. Photoshoots with my sweet dietetics friends between classes, but more generally, all of my dietetics buds
138. Having Marion Nestle guest lecture my class
139. Camping out at the mezzanine floor in Roberts Hall until the sun goes down and the CALS administrative staff leave for the weekend
140. The cheerful conversations with Erica, the NP, at the Human Metabolic Research Unit during lab studies
141. Looking up from anywhere in Ithaca and identifying the campus on the hill
142. The stark contrast between PSB, Gates Hall, and the gothic buildings on the Arts Quad
Gates Hall |
143. Seeing Cornell Dairy trucks with the logo "Sourced From The Smartest Cows"
144. The hippie, eclectic, downright weirdness of Ithaca
145. Coming full circle with my transfer and integration process and mentoring other Cornellians
148. Wondering if I should ever take the wine tasting, cider production, or ice cream flavor development classes at some point
150. Quiet walks through campus on a warm spring night
151. Leaving each class feeling a little dumber because you didn't realize how much you didn't and still don't know!
152. Realizing after 3 years that I can run into the same strangers over and over again on this intimidating, big campus
153. Ditching Slope Day for the Cornell Outdoor Education Ropes Course
154. Traveling to the city in the luxury of the Campus-to-Campus bus (let me tell you... it was revolutionary)
156. "Walk like a penguin" signs during the winter
157. The kindness and graciousness of West Campus dining employees and housekeepers, the only friends I had for my first 2 semesters
158. Being grateful for free printing at Savage Hall when my 27-paged paper is due and my printer broke
159. Ziplining over a gorge during senior week
160. Realizing how much tougher I got, physically and mentally, when I run up a hill without stopping... Cornell's full of 'em
161. Living out #HannahsCornellStory and learning just how powerful God's timing and plan are
This wasn't how I expected to get to Cornell, this wasn't what I expected my experience to look like... y et I wouldn't have changed a single thing.
Want more? Peruse through all three years' worth of photos under "Upstate NY".
Want more? Peruse through all three years' worth of photos under "Upstate NY".
What I won't miss:
The weather.
No built-in AC in any residential building in the entire city, not even in off-campus houses.
The 2.5 hour trips required if I want to go to Wegmans by bus.
Crazy uber prices (it came to town in 2017).
The insufficient funding for mental health initiatives.
Housing problems. All three years of 'em.
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