April 10, 2016

Soft Vegan Marshmallow Chocolate Chunk Cookies

This past school year, I've become much more interested in following food blogs and reading recipes. The reason? Probably because I miss cooking/baking so much, and genuinely feel like I'm losing my abilities to do so (not that I was that great before, but I practice did make me better). Over spring break, I dove into the kitchen and cooked/baked as much as possible. 

This recipe caught my eye a few months ago and was on my radar since then, so I needed to try it out. BakerByNature, aka Ashley, is one of my favorite instagrammers and food bloggers, and I highly recommend visiting her site!

In this recipe, she urges readers to follow measurements and ingredients precisely -- you know me, I can't help but mess up here and there. I didn't have any brown sugar on hand, and given that white sugar can be so cloyingly sweet, I just added 1/2 the amount of sugar called for, and used white sugar instead. These cookies didn't turn out to be golden brown because of the lack of brown sugar, and they didn't flatten out like Ashley's because the reduced amount of sugar, but they were still GREAT!

I chopped up some vegan chocolate (used extra dark, by endangered species) and vegan marshmallows, and added them to the batter.

Get the recipe here.

xoxo, han

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